We are delighted to confirm the programme for the next West Midlands BACCH meeting, to be held on 5th July 2024. 

This meeting is being held jointly with BACD, BAPA and CPSIG.


  • Working together for Children with Medical Complexity
  • Thrive Paediatrics and Wellbeing at work for Community Paediatricians
  • Well being sessions – details to follow
  • Ophthalmology for Community Paediatricians
  • Valproate and LD
  • Re–engaging with children missing in education

The BACCH West Midlands AGM 2024 will also be held during the event from 13.45-14.00.

To register, please use form below, which once completed should be emailed to [email protected] 
Note - payment is directly to West Midlands BACCH, not the main BACCH account (details on registration form).

Registration fees:

  • Consultants/ SAS (BACCH members) - £70
  • Consultants/ SAS (non-members) - £80
  • Trainees & non-medics - £30

Helen Robertson, Chair of West Midlands BACCH

BACCH West Midlands Meeting July 2024 Programme
BACCH West Midlands Meeting July 2024 registration form
BACCH is registered in England & Wales, charity no. 1129758 & company no. 06738129 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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