Association for Paediatric Palliative Medicine


APPM was established in 2009 after the merger of Children’s Hospice UK doctors’ group and the British Society of Palliative Medicine. Joining forces provided a platform to better promote and support practice and reflects the work of paediatric palliative medicine practice across the sector and develop tailored resources and educational opportunities to our members. 

British Academy of Childhood Disability


BACD is an organisation for professionals working in the field of childhood disability. It is a specialty group of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and acts as the UK branch of the European Academy of Childhood Disability. BACD encourages membership from all disciplines working in the field of childhood disability.

British Association for Child & Adolescent Public Health


BACAPH is a multi-disciplinary, four nation organisation, working on the following strategic goals:
- To promote the development & implementation of evidence-based child public health programmes nationally & locally.
- To act as advocates in partnership with others on issues such as health inequality & child poverty.
- To promote research, and provide training to help provide the skills & knowledge needed to tackle the diverse & growing challenges in child public health.

British Association of Paediatricians in Audiology 


BAPA is an association of paediatricians practising audio-vestibular medicine; it represents all paediatricians with aninterest in children’s hearing, in whatever setting this is delivered. BAPA also seeks to be at the forefront of professional development in the field of paediatric audiovestibular medicine. BAPA has an additional role as a special interest group of RCPCH.

Child Protection Special Interest Group 


CPSIG is a special interest group of the BACCH & RCPCH Its goals are to: provide peer support at local & national level;  regional & national study days; be a forum for sharing good practice. CPSIG membership is open to BACCH and RCPCH members, and to doctors from other appropriate professional organisations. CPSIG has a wide network of members, encouraging the support of colleagues.

Paediatric Mental Health Association 


PMHA is a group of professionals interested in developing and promoting the role of paediatricians in mental health. Although many members are paediatricians, there is also substantial representation from psychiatry and psychology professionals.

George Still Forum


(Special Interest Group of BACCH)

GSF is a group of paediatricians dedicated to improving care & increasing awareness of ADHD in children & adolescents. It also aims to share information in relation to current issues in providing services to individuals & their families, & to bring nationwide issues to the notice of NHS commissioners. 

BACCH is registered in England & Wales, charity no. 1129758 & company no. 06738129 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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