
Category: Publications

BACCH News June 2024

Summer 2024 edition of the Newsletter
3 Jun 2024
Members only

BACCH News March 2024

The spring 2024 edition of the Newsletter
12 Mar 2024
Members only

BACCH News December 2023

The winter 2023 edition of the Newsletter - ASM special
11 Dec 2023
Members only

BACCH News September 2023

Autumn 2023 edition of the Newsletter
30 Aug 2023
Members only

BACCH News June 2023

Summer 2023 edition of the Newsletter
1 Jun 2023
Members only

BACCH News March 2023

Spring 2023 edition of the Newsletter
9 Mar 2023
Members only

BACCH News - author guidelines

Advice for potential authors
3 Jan 2023

BACCH News December 2022

The winter 2022 edition of the Newsletter
6 Dec 2022
Members only

BACCH News September 2022

The autumn 2022 edition of the Newsletter
15 Sep 2022
Members only

BACCH News June 2022

The summer 2022 edition of the Newsletter
8 Jun 2022
Members only

BACCH News March 2022

The spring 2022 edition of the Newsletter
14 Mar 2022
Members only

BACCH News December 2021

The Winter 2021 edition of the Newsletter
6 Dec 2021
Members only

BACCH News September 2021

The Autumn 2021 edition of the Newsletter
7 Sep 2021
Members only

BACCH News June 2021

The summer 2021 edition of the Newsletter
3 Jun 2021
Members only

BACCH News March 2021

The winter 2021 edition of the Newsletter
8 Mar 2021
Members only

BACCH News December 2020

The winter 2020 edition of the Newsletter
7 Dec 2020
Members only

BACCH News, September 2020

The Autumn 2020 edition of the Newsletter
9 Sep 2020
Members only

BACCH News, June 2020

Summer 2020 edition of the BACCH Newsletter
10 Jun 2020
Members only

BACCH News, March 2020

Spring 2020 edition of the BACCH Newsletter
10 Mar 2020
Members only

BACCH Workforce Strategy

A workforce strategy for community paediatrics
1 Feb 2020

BACCH News, December 2019

Winter 2019 edition of the Newsletter
4 Dec 2019
Members only

BACCH News, September 2019

Autumn 2019 edition of BACCH News
16 Sep 2019
Members only

BACCH News, June 2019

Summer 2019 edition of BACCH News
12 Jun 2019
Members only

BACCH FAQs on CCH services for Commissioners & Health Boards

These frequently asked questions refer specifically to the commissioning of the work undertaken by paediatricians within CCH teams
1 Apr 2019

BACCH News March 2019

Spring 2019 edition of BACCH News
15 Mar 2019
Members only

BACCH News: 2018 editions

All four editions of BACCH News from 2018
31 Dec 2018
Members only

BACCH News: 2017 editions

All 2017 editions of BACCH News
31 Dec 2017
Members only

Covering all bases: Community Child Health workforce

RCPCH & BACCH have developed resources to support workforce planning for community paediatric services
1 Sep 2017

BACCH News: 2016 editions

All four editions of BACCH News from 2016
31 Dec 2016
Members only

BACD & BACCH Survey on the Impact of Austerity Measures on Disabled Children

In November 2014 BACD and BACCH surveyed members on the impact of austerity measures on families with disabled children.
1 Nov 2014

Family Friendly Framework

Joint BACCH-BACAPH project: a whole systems approach for the planning, delivery and improvement of services for children and families
1 Nov 2014

Clinical Supervision & Peer Review

Clinical supervision & peer review for Community Paediatricians
1 Oct 2014

Prospectus for children’s health services delivered in community settings

​This prospectus is a framework for paediatricians to use when engaging with commissioners and managers
12 Oct 2012
BACCH is registered in England & Wales, charity no. 1129758 & company no. 06738129 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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